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Hypnosis for Weight Loss

There's no denying it - trying to lose weight can be a long and challenging journey. If you've ever tried and failed to lose weight before then you probably know just how frustrating it can be - especially when feelings like stress, low self-esteem and boredom crop up.

It's not unusual for people to get into a cycle of dieting, overeating, feeling guilty and dieting again. This is known as 'yo-yo dieting' and makes weight loss difficult to sustain.

By targeting the unconscious mind with powerful suggestion techniques, we will help you develop a positive relationship with food and exercise.

The aim of hypnotherapy for weight loss is to make you feel confident about your body, change any negative thoughts about eating and help you lose weight responsibly without impacting your emotional well-being.  


Eating habits

Healthy food

Hypnose Dr. Zottmann

© Institut Dr. Zottmann

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